Birth declaration

In which Studbook would you like to register your product?
Covering card
The file should be 5 MB or less. Authorized extensions : pdf jpg jpeg png webp tiff tif bmp gif.

info En joignant une copie de la carte de saillie (scan), le dossier sera traité plus rapidement et plus facilement.


General conditions

The semen belongs to the owner of the stallion unless otherwise agreed. The declarant is presumed to hold all useful rights on the semen for breeding.

The declarant irrevocably undertakes to guarantee the Studbook SBS from any action in connection with the above, which could be brought against the Studbook SBS, following the registration of the product in the stud book.

This guarantee concerns any claim of any kind whatsoever that would be made, in principal, interest and costs, including legal costs.

The declarant will intervene, at the first request of the Studbook SBS, in any procedure, amicable or judicial, and will take up the cause for him.


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